The main uses of the territory in Western Iberia covered by this LIFE project are forestry, with 21,508.61 hectares (27.20% of the space); agriculture (21,367,681 hectares, 27.02%); scrubland and natural pastures (18,798.73 hectares, 23.77%) and areas for agro-sylvo-pastoral use (13,829.6 hectares, approximately 17.5% of the space). Less surface area is occupied by wetlands, urban and industrial areas and areas without vegetation cover.

Altogether there are 715 agricultural holdings on the area, with a strong tendency to abandon farms (75 % of the owners are over 55 years old). The total population of the area barely exceeds 10,000 inhabitants.

Fundación Naturaleza y Hombre Oeste Ibérico 1

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